output my day

output my day


Although/though/in spite of/despite

I review my learning words today. Although Although + subject + verb Usages Although I was sick, I went to work yesterday. I'm happy although I have little money. Although it rained, we climbed the mountain. In spite of / despite in spite …

Present Perfect

Review what I learn about present perfect today. Description A period time that continue from the past till now. The action is past, and result is now. Usages I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. We haven't seen each other for a long …

5 ways how to use " Could"

Could has a lot of meaning. I'm confused how to use "could" sometimes. Less sure than can You could give her a present. We could go to the movie. Unrealistic This is really good place. I could stay forever. I'm exhausted. I could sleep for…

How to use "Even"

Even It is used to say that something is unusual or surprising. Usage I always wear a jacket, even during summer. I write a code, even on the street. He always wears a casual shirts, even in formal situations. Not even more usual or surpri…


現在完了形と共によく使われる単語を列挙し、例示してみる。 Still 状況や行動が続いている状態。 I'm still working. Do you still live in Tokyo, or have you moved other city? I still want to live and work in other country. Anymore/no longer stil…

Would 使い方5選

いろんな意味がある"Would" 意味と使い方を例示してみる。 1. 行動や状況を想像するけど実際には起こらない Usage It would be nice to live in a big house. I wouldn't like to be a teacher. I'd love to live in Tokyo. I would like to go with you. It…


ドラマでもまぁまぁ出てくる"Unless"について調べてみる。 A unless B BじゃなければAになる Grammer except if ~/ if ... notと同じ意味 except if ~ / if ... not と違う点は Unlessは後に続く文を強調する。 Usage I won't be able to understand unless …

Slang from Silicon Valley !!!

最近見始めたドラマ"Silicon Valley" Season3がもう直ぐHuluで配信されるらしい。 はやく追いつかないと。。 そして Silicon Valleyに限らず、アメリカのドラマによく出てくるスラング。 Asshole What the fuck とにかく出てくる。あるシーンでは、1分に1…

Become an ice breaker

最近、初対面の外国人と話す機会が多い。 聞きたいことはたくさんあるけど何を話せば。。。 これって英語でなんていうんだっけ。。。 ていつも思うから聞くことをいくつかテンプレート化してすぐに出せるようにしちゃいましょう。 てことで本日のテーマ Ice …