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How to use "Even"


It is used to say that something is unusual or surprising.

  • I always wear a jacket, even during summer.
  • I write a code, even on the street.
  • He always wears a casual shirts, even in formal situations.

Not even

more usual or surprising than even.

  • I don't even know the Antarctic.
  • His room is messy, he doesn't even put away his writing desk.
  • She can't even cook cup noodles.

Even + comparative

It is used to want to emphasize to the word.

  • I have a 700 score of TOEIC, but she has even higher one.
  • She works even harder.
  • It was very cold yesterday, but today it's even colder.

Even if

It is used just imagined.

  • I can't run for 100M within 9 SEC even if I'll do best effort.
  • He won't catch the train even if he runs.
  • I can't become a close friend with him even we hang out very often.

Even though

It is used always done, the fact is mentioned.

  • Even though she doesn't have a driver license, she bought a car.
  • Even though I found him, I didn't talk to him.
  • I couldn't sleep even though I was really tired.

Even when

It is used occasionally done.

  • She is never angry even when I made a lot of mistakes.
  • He always smiles even when he's really tired.


You should imagine the core of grammars and vocabularies.
